We’re proud to announce that we’ve signed a significant contract with the U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF), an independent U.S. government agency established by Congress to invest directly in African grassroots enterprises and social entrepreneurs. USADF provides grant capital, capacity-building assistance, and convening opportunities to develop, grow and scale African enterprises and entrepreneurs who improve lives and livelihoods. USADF investments increase income, revenues, and jobs, by promoting self-reliance and market-based solutions to poverty. This collaboration aligns with us as Savanna Circuit to continue our mission to provide sustainable solutions to smallholder farmers in Kenya in combating post-harvest loss in dairy farming.

In rural farming communities across Kenya, post-harvest losses have long been a challenge, particularly in the dairy sector. Smallholder farmers struggle to keep milk fresh after production due to a lack of reliable refrigeration and poor access to markets. As a result, significant quantities of milk spoil before they can be sold, leading to financial losses and food insecurity.


According to the Food and Agricultural Organization [FAO], it is estimated that from 2011 as much as 37% of food produced in Sub-Saharan Africa is lost between production and consumption. In Kenya according to a report by Egerton University, it is estimated that milk wastage 6% of it is lost in the production stage and attributed to 11% to post-harvest handling and storage


Savanna Circuit Technologies continues with the invention of post-harvest solutions continuously improving our innovations and technology. These innovations promise to revolutionize dairy farming by making milk preservation more efficient and accessible, even in the most remote areas.


The lack of cold chain infrastructure means that many smallholders are unable to store or transport their milk at the necessary low temperatures, resulting in bacterial growth that compromises milk quality. Without adequate refrigeration, milk quality does deteriorate within a few hours, especially in hot climates. This creates a cycle of waste, inefficiency, and economic hardship for farmers who depend on dairy as a primary source of income.


Savanna Circuit Technologies’ partnership with the U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF) aims to address the pressing issue of post-harvest loss in the dairy sector across Kenya. This partnership marks a significant step toward enhancing food security, improving livelihoods, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices in rural communities.


In light of this year’s World Milk Day theme, it ensures the focus is celebrating the vital role dairy plays in delivering quality nutrition to nourish the world. Dairy farmers will be able to look into alternative funding models like Cooling as a service.